Monday, May 10, 2010

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Book Review

Walt Disney: Creator of Mickey Mouse

I am very proud to study Mr. Disney's life as a project and this book had TONS of interesting information, but not as many pictures as I wanted. It also had a time line which helped a lot. Out of 5 stars I would give it a 4 and a half.

My Obstacles


I have gone bankrupt more times than you and I could count. Before I became famous, I constantly ran into financial problems. Being bankrupt teaches a person a valuable lesson, and that's to savor every penny.

One other obstacle I overcame was not spoiling my dear children. It was becoming a challenge right after I was given my first Oscar. I was given lots of money, yet I did not want to spoil my children by giving them whatever they wanted.

Lung Cancer

I just found out that I have lung cancer because of my smoking habit.The doctors tell me I only have a very short time to live, so I am going to do what ever I did not do when my life was not in jeopardy and live life to the fullest.

I am very sad that I will have to leave my wife Lillian and my daughters Diane and Sharon. We had so many great memories like when we visited Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, Denmark, which was my inspiration for Disneyland. It was a great honor being not just a cartoonist, but a husband and a father to three WONDERFUL ladies in my life.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Personality


As a kid I had a VERY big imagination and my teacher told me to keep my head out of the clouds and into my work but in order for me to work my head has to be IN the clouds.

I've always said that all our dreams come true, if we have enough courage to pursue them. I used that quote often, and it is even on a sign at my Disney parks. I first came across this quote as my mother would use in a different way.

I have been told that I am a very determined person, which can help you go far in life. I kept going bankrupt, but I always found a way out of it somehow. I helped kids who did not want to go to the doctor want to stay as long as they could because of my beautiful art work that I would draw in the doctors office. This art might be Mickey in a doctor's outfit or Minny Mouse with a stethoscope.